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Little Big Time (фильм, 1968)— актеры и создатели
Little Big Time
Freddie Garrity
Himself - Presenter
Freddie & The Dreamers
Music performers
Peter Birrell
Oliver the Clock
Frankie Holmes
Various roles
Merdelle Jordine
Various roles
Kevork Malikyan
Various roles
Penelope Nice
Various roles
Tony Robinson (I)
Various roles
David King
The Mighty Dictaphone
Blake Butler
The Grim Gramaphone
Debbie Bowen
Princess Necessity
Graham Haberfield
The Undercog
Gordon Clyde
Chief High Pipe
Robert McBain
The Deferential Gearbox
Philip Ray (I)
Clockwork King
Davy Kaye
Himself - Guest
The Maljons
Themselves - Guests
Norman and Ladd Hall
Themselves - Guests
Desmond King
Himself - Guest
George Chisholm
Himself - Guest
Therese McMurray
Christopher Benjamin
Windy Bill
David Monico
Waste Disposal Unit